She kills monsters
about the show
A comedic romp into the world of fantasy role-playing games, She Kills Monsters tells the story of Agnes Evans as she leaves her childhood home after the death of her sister, Tilly. When Agnes finds Tilly's Dungeons & Dragons notebook she stumbles into a journey of discovery and action-packed adventure. Acclaimed playwright Qui Nguyen offers a heart-pounding homage to the geek within us all.
She Kills Monsters is being produced by Art Lab Productions in collaboration with the cast of Roll 2 Explode as they kick off their inaugural adventure as a new Dungeons & Dragons online show.

"This was brilliant. The whole make believe world, the nature of it was so funny and kitschy, but also, all the actors were so committed to that as reality. Those two things at once, playing against each other? It was fantastic."
- Maria Mileaf (Broadway Director)
cast & Creative
The cast includes Heidi Tolson as Agnes, Megan Chacalos as Tilly, Jake Bryan Guthrie as Chuck, Jasmine Aiyana Garvin as Lilith, Joana Tsuhlares as Kaliope, Tony Russo as Orcus, Chandler Reid Evans as Miles, Jess Kirschner as Gabbi/Vera, Cody Edwards as Tina/Farrah, and Casey Johnson as Steve.
Director: Casey Johnson
Fight Choreographer: Tony Russo
Choreographers & Stage Management Team: Ashley Justice, Will McCleery, and Liz Sellers
Executive Producer: Meg Fofonoff (Art Lab Productions) and Fight Direction by Jared Kirby
Special thanks to LDK Productions.