A closer walk with patsy cline

about the show

The story of a legend. Patsy Cline was a woman ahead of her time, changing the course of country music with her determination and talent. Created by Dan Regan, A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline is a tribute to her spirit and a celebration of the music of her life. This production was in collaboration with College Light Opera Company.


  • "This show has everything that makes theater such an uplifting experience: great music, well-delivered comedy bits, stunning costumes and an artistically designed set."

  • "The show was a crowd-pleaser, playing to a sold-out crowd all three nights and featuring the husband-and-wife team of Ace Young and Diana DeGarmo, both former “American Idol” contestants who have gone on to perform on Broadway and beyond."

cast & creative

Cast: Diana DeGarmo as Patsy Cline. Ace Young as Little Big Man

Director: Meg Fofonoff

Music Director: Sean Mayes

Video Director, Photographer, & Editor: Wind Media Co.


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The Muse Sessions